How to tap into your desires
In my last two emails I wrote to you about figuring out what you want in life... I believe the best way to figure out what you want is...
Feeling overwhlemed?
If you're here long enough you probably know I’m all about consciously creating your own life. A life that feels good and aligned with...
Red Kites & permission to slow down (woo-woo warning)
After a couple of intense full on months I started getting messages to slow down. These last few months have been so wild and busy and...
7 Quick Rituals to Ground & Uplift You
A couple of weeks ago I had an insight around shifting from surviving to thriving during one of my morning journaling sessions. I...
Cocooning Time
Over here life is back to “normal” – Gil is fully recovered and we are all well and healthy. Now that I have more help and support...
Finding calm & groundedness within uncertainty (FREE meditation inside)
How are you doing? How are you coping? How are you feeling about social distancing? Are you relieved to have some time off of work /...
Eight Tips To Help You Ease Stress & Anxiety
With all the fear, uncertainty and stress spreading around, COVID-19 has exposed our need to practice more PRESENCE. Alongside doing the...
What do you do when everything seems to go wrong?
Do you know these days where everything seems to go wrong? You know, days where things keep happening to you over and over again… and...
I'd Rather Be Here Now
I wanted to share with you something I heard the other day that really resonated with me. ‘I’d rather be here now’ I’ve spent so many...